
America’s first and only multi-purpose gospel tract! Now in over 100 countries and all 50 states. This tract has a 3-fold purpose… Salvation, Soul Winning, & Spiritual Growth. Also included is a Spiritual Birth Certificate & spiritual growth plan. Our most popular and widely used. Many translations available. KJV

Starting at: $5.00 for 25

*Tract Panel Size: 3½” x 6″


America’s first and only multi-purpose gospel tract! Now in over 100 countries and all 50 states. This tract has a 3-fold purpose… Salvation, Soul Winning, & Spiritual Growth. Also included is a Spiritual Birth Certificate & spiritual growth plan. Our most popular and widely used. Many translations available. KJV

*When choosing quantity, choices with “P” are those available to be Personalized/Imprinted.
Starting at: $5.00 for 25

*Tract Panel Size: 3½” x 6″

Additional Information

Package Size 25, 100
Custom Tract Quantity 5,000-P, 2,500-P, 1,000-P
There is a 1st Time Layout Fee of $50.00 for Personalization

All Coil Bound Books are the same tract blown up, coil bound and double Laminated for durability. They are used for personal work at the Altar, Soul Winning, Nursing Homes.

The larger ones for Sunday School & Vbs, Junior Church and Bus Ministry.